8th SAP Press book author in the Int4 team! 

Int4 Team

8 SAP Press authors on board

We’re proud to announce that the group of SAP Press book authors in the Int4 team is growing!

In just one week from today, the first SAP Press book by Michał Rohnka – SAP ABAP and integration consultant, will be published. He will be the 8th (what’s interesting, 4 of them are Michałs) SAP Press author in our team and we can ensure you that it’s not the end!

Congratulations, Michał – great job!

“Mapping with BRFplus Decision Tables and SAP AIF” – a hands-on guide

The publication is full of practical tips, examples, and exercises. With this hands-on guide you will :

– learn how to maximize BRFplus potential in your business scenarios

– check how to enhance your BRFplus projects and build complex BRFplus solutions

– go into details with all capabilities and configuration offered by BRFplus Decision Tables

– learn how to use BRFplus as an efficient and flexible mapping engine

– leverage BRFplus and AIF compatibility in your interface projects.

We’re presenting a short book excerpt below:

“In this E-Bite you”ll learn how to create nested decision table calls, using the ability of BRFplus expressions to call each other. You will see how you can call another expression directly from a decision table cell. You will also be introduced with reusability of decision tables with function call expressions, which are BRFplus context mapping tools, allowing you to call other BRFplus functions as though they were expressions. Thanks to that, you can build a generic function with a decision table in it that will be an interface to your decision table and call this interface with different function calls depending on the context available.”

Seems interesting to you? Let us know in the comment below! We’re always ready to discuss.

Stay tuned!

Next week we will give more details about the “Mapping with BRFplus Decision Tables and SAP AIF” book. We recommend you to visit the SAP Press website so you can find other interesting publications by our teammates.

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