COVID-19 Manifesto

Int4 Team

Dear Friends,

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has created a global health and economic crisis that is testing every one of us. We are aware that the results of this virus are severe and unanticipated for our industry and all of our partners. We hope that the fears will subside and governments will help control the outbreak. That being said, we are starting to responsibly plan our help for the SAP integration industry.


As far as you know, we at Int4, believe in our relationships and we strive to provide our partners with the greatest value. Our team, conducted by 2 SAP Mentors: Michał Krawczyk and Eng Swee Yeoh already brought to the table 9 SAP Press books, openSAP training, tons of technical SAP-related guides and many other forms of sharing knowledge. 

Taking care of our community is a part of the Int4’s DNA and we mean it. As thought-leaders in the SAP integration industry, we recognize the critical need to act with fierce urgency to support our partners and clients as well as the whole SAP community and other people hit hardest by the impacts of COVID-19.

Int4 Pledge

Therefore, over the days, weeks, and months ahead, our company pledges to: 

  • Commit to listening to our partners and all of the members of the SAP community. We will act on their feedback. We recognize that the best solutions to the manifold crises caused by COVID-19 are not found within organizations. 
  • Support the SAP community by sharing our technical knowledge. That being said, we created a dedicated LinkedIn group: SAP API testing (incl. SAP PO, SAP CPI, S/4HANA APIs), where each and every one of our consultants will answer all of your technical questions in 24 hours. No exceptions, no charges, no commitments. 
  • Communicate proactively and regularly about our decisions regarding the epidemic and response to provide helpful information while not asking more.
  • Expand our knowledge. We find this time as a great opportunity to expand our expertise. We will use this time to learn and acquire new skills to bring you even more value to the table. From now on.
  • Learn from these emergency practices and share what they teach us, so we may consider adjusting our practices more fundamentally in the future, in more stable times, based on all we learn.
  • Keep creating a network of customers and suppliers, as only together, we can create a long term value for the whole SAP community.
  • Improve the quality of our products and services. We will do whatever it takes to fulfill our company’s mission statement and enable our clients to increase business efficiency by automating their IT solutions in a fast and secure way.



We encourage our business partners and all active members of the SAP community to join us in making these commitments and holding ourselves accountable to them by action.

COVID-19’s impacts are reaching every corner of the world. We must stand together. By acting together, we believe we can bring the change we need to see in the world.

COVID-19 will only make us stronger.