Int4 IFTT gets even more automated!

Int4 Team


Since SP11 integration with change management software is available. Int4 IFTT will create automatically incidents regarding particular test case, update their status, close existing and creating new ones. You will be also enabled to manage incidents directly from test cockpit manually.
With this feature Continuous Testing implementation is easier and there is not chance to overlook the defect. Check this blog to learn more! [/panel]

Available systems and software in the current release:

  1. SAP Solution Manager

However the Incident Management extension to Int4 IFTT is prepared to support any defect management system based on its API.


Automated incident management

Incidents will be managed per folder or per test case. Int4 IFTT will connect to change management system and perform following operations:

  • For failed test cases new incidents will be created and existing ones will be updated
  • For successfull test cases existing incidents will be closed

Manual incident management

Directly from the test report you will be able to create and access incidents. Also open incidents assigned to test case/folder will be visible in the report.

Background processing

You will be able to choose whether you want to create incidents automatically or manually in foreground or automatically in background.


When change management in Int4 IFTT is activated new elements on test run report will appear:

Int4 IFTT Test Execution Report
  1. Create incidents for all folders or all incidents in the test run
  2. Create incidents for particular folder or for all single failed test cases in this folder
  3. Column displaying incidents assigned to the test case. After clicking an incident number user will be directed to incident in integrated system

Incident will be also visible on test case view:

Int4 IFTT Test Execution Report

If test case has failed and no previous incident exists, user will be able to create incident directly from this view as well:

Int4 IFTT Test Execution Report