Int4 IFTT integration with Solution Manager

Int4 Team

In the previous blog “Int4 IFTT Change Management Integration” you can find general information about new features in Int4 IFTT related to integration with change management software. In this blog you will learn more about integration with SolMan.

Int4 IFTT Capabilities

Int4 IFTT can now create, update and close incidents in SolMan.

Easy and flexible configuration

Thanks to very flexible approach you are now enabled to easily configure all incident parameters including:

  • Description text and format
  • Person responsible
  • Priority
  • Due by date

Direct access to SolMan

Directly from SolMan you will have access to related test case report in Int4 IFTT and vice versa.


After clicking incident number in test run report you will be directed to Solution Manager:

Solution Manager Incident Int4 IFTT
  • In Description you will see configured description
  • Reported by is a person configured in SolMan and IFTT
  • Priority is configured in IFTT

In text section you will see configurable information:

In Attachments section you will see URLs linked to test case report in Int4 IFTT:

In case of any questions, feel free to ask in comment.