Show us your Record of Achievement!

Int4 Team

We’re happy to announce that our openSAP course: Virtualize and Automate Your SAP Testing Using Int4 IFTT has ended. Thank you for taking part in our training! We’re thrilled to see that over 4700 learners enrolled! The confirmation of participation and record of achievement files, along with the digital badge, are now ready for downloading. You can download them all at the bottom of the Progress tab.  We’d like you to ask you one favor:[/panel]

Show us your Record of Achievement!

We’d love to see your badges on social media. It’s an amazing proof of your Int4 IFTT and SAP testing automation knowledge. Let us show you how easy is that:

Step 1.

Enter your LinkedIn profile and click “Add profile section button”. Next to the “Licenses and certificates” tab click +.

Step 2.

Enter following details:

Certificate name: Virtualize and Automate Your SAP Testing Using Int4 IFTT
Certification authority: SAP
License Number: openSAP
Certification URL: Insert the link from the bottom of your record of achievement
Dates: Oct 2019


opensap record of achievement

Step 3.

Save and enjoy new certificate! 🙂