Smart Data Integration (SDI) – transporting SAP HANA objects

Int4 Team

Implementation procedure

The standard implementation procedure usually consists of such steps as development, quality assurance and production go-live.
After all the activities performed in the previous blogs, we need to find out how to move all our HANA development objects in further systems according to your transportation schema.

For this particular reason, we have so-called procedure of Synchronizing SAP HANA Objects and Packages with ABAP.

As a prerequisite, the person responsible for synchronization of SAP HANA Objects with ABAP should have the authorization in role SAP_BC_DWB_ABAPDEVELOPER plus transaction authorization for Tcode SCTS_HTA.

A step by step guide

The whole process will consist of the following steps:

1. Call transaction SCTS_HTA in your ABAP system.

TCode SCTS_HTA call

2. Using a search help select one or more SAP HANA packages. If required, mark checkbox Include Subpackages.

TCode SCTS_HTA objects search

3. Pick the objects to be synchronized and transported.

TCode SCTS_HTA selected objects

Keep in mind that you should be careful with the objects you selected. Consider only those which need to be in the further system. Try to avoid transporting of objects created for test purposes.

4. After pressing F8 optionally we can deactivate the translation relevance for SAP HANA packages.

Determine original Lang

By default, the texts of SAP HANA objects are synchronized in the original language of the SAP HANA package and are then available for translation. If you do not need a translation, you can deactivate the translation relevance.

5. Define the Package for objects to be transported.

Determine package in ABAP

6. Provide corresponding Transport request:

Determine Transport Request

7. By pressing the save button, all selected objects are synchronized and added to the Transport Request, their status is changed to green. It        means that the system reads the currently active versions of the selected packages and objects from the SAP HANA repository and writes these to the HTA repository (in ABAP). The system adds transport objects for the synchronized packages and objects to the selected transport request.

Synchronization result

Here you can see the content of the Transport Request:

TR content

To import the transport request into the follow-on systems, release it.

Thank you for attention. In case you?d have any questions about SDI please feel free to comment under the blog.