Our session at SAP SIT in Walldorf

Int4 Team

SAP SIT Walldorf

After attending SAP Insider Tracks in Berlin, Munich, Copenhagen and Paris, it’s a time for our session at SIT Walldorf. The meeting will take place on Saturday 13th of January. This time we would like focus more on SAP AIF testing and show how business users could benefit from Int4 IFTT.

A short description of our session

With the arrival of SAP AIF, business users are able to become fully involved with the monitoring of SAP application interfaces and the management of business rules without having deep technical integration knowledge.The next innovation step in SAP application interface management is to provide an integrated testing service that is neither technology driven nor demands an in-depth understanding of all external systems, SAP PRO/CPI monitors and interface adapters. Rather it should enable the business users to work with business objects to generate and execute test cases from their SAP Business Suite and AIF platform. Business users are now also able test application interfaces covering the whole SAP integration stack from SAP PRO, CPI to business document from one central place.