Smart Data Integration (SDI) initial setup

Int4 Team

SDI – standard architecture components

Standard architecture of Smart Data Integration product consists of three main parts:

  • Hana Index Server

  • Data Provisioning Server

  • Data Provisioning Agent

First two elements belong to the Hana instance. Data Provisioning Agent is a part of HANA Agent installation and it should be downloaded separately.

Depending on the customer requirements and technical settings we may need to customize a few steps. First of all we need to define a dataflow and then apply all other settings. In this example we will describe a dataflow from HANA DB table to ORACLE DB. This case is rather specific and it demands some additional actions.

In your HANA Studio or Eclipse select corresponding system and in the folder called Provisioning new remote source should be created for your Oracle system.

Here we’ve selected – OracleLogReaderAdapter.

In the next step we should create another Remote Source with system based on HANA DB.

In this case HanaAdapter was used. Data Provisioning Adapter acts like a bridge between two remotely connected systems, in our case HANA DB and ORACLE.

The second step is a virtual table creation. In order to transfer data from HANA database tables to particular ORACLE database table we need a virtual table created in our HANA system based on ORACLE table which we have in our Remote Source.

On the Oracle side in package TARGET_* we have  the following table which was created as a virtual table:

On the HANA Remote Source side we have created corresponding table which we can use for further data transfer.

Now we have a virtual table which is connected to the real database table created on the ORACLE side. All data changes in virtual table will be correspondingly processed in the database itself. Worth to mention is that data types which we use in ORACLE database table should be the same as we have in Hana database

SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench is a very flexible environment which allows to see all the objects created in HANA studio or Eclipse and it has a wide range of tools which make data provisioning process intuitively clear and rapid.

Version of Eclipse used in the blog: Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.Version: Neon.3 Release (4.6.3)Build id: 20170314-1500

In case you’d have any questions about SDI please feel free to comment under the blog.