“A toolbox instead of a Swiss army knife” SAP integration world through Pontus eyes.

Int4 Team

Let me introduce my guest

Pontus Borgström is a person who does not need to be introduced in the SAP world. He has extensive knowledge of SAP process integration and orchestration. Previously Pontus worked as a consultant in a number of sizable Scandinavian process integration and orchestration installations. Now he is the principal integration architect at AB SKF in Sweden.

About the S/4HANA implementations, the first SAP Press book and his plans for the future – Pontus Borgström is interviewed by Jarosław JZ Ziółkowski.

Reading time: 5 minutes

1. You’re the head of SAPSA (SAP Swedish User group) for integration-related topics, and we know that you organize the event as well, is there any particular reason behind your involvement?

I think it’s best to share knowledge, in person, by blogging, presenting or even writing a book. And since we can not be good at everything, let’s work together. It is a great satisfaction to be in discussions and presentations and see other people be inspired and also grow in their own role and knowledge.

2. Now the big question for SAP integration – cloud or hybrid – which approach will win in the short term and long term perspective? 

Hybrid in all cases – I think we see different adoptions across the companies and there will not be a “one size fits all” solution. But we will see various components based on the use case and industries. Sensitive IT areas will not move to the cloud, and also things that can not accept internet downtime (like industrial production) requires a mixed environment.

A hybrid landscape is about the capabilities, like a toolbox instead of a Swiss army knife.

In some areas, the cloud will definitely be a winner in terms of lightweight and flexible use cases, but we are having a massive demand for close, tightly coupled systems.

An area where this can be seen is that the roadmap for SAP Cloud Platform Integration and API Management is being extended with on-prem solutions that complement the cloud.

 3. Do S/4HANA implementations impact SAP integration in any way? 

Absolutely. Its more focus on ODATA capabilities going forward, but also together with new functionalities, it’s more suitable for an API driven integration approach.

4. Do you foresee any challenging SAP integration projects, topics which you’d like to get involved with? 

I am involved in several exciting projects where we have an API driven approach, but the most challenging part is the hybrid part? where, how and when. It’s a challenge to be ultra-fast in a slow-moving world.

5. Just a month ago you’ve published your first SAP PRESS book – how was the writing experience? 

Well, it was enjoyable, I had a lot of ideas and text segments and then off course I had Michal Krawczyk to assist me. Ha managed to take my thoughts and segments into a better text, and after some alterations, it started to make sense. He is a true SAP BOOK mentor as well.

6. Do you have a plan to do anything more with that now? 

I am not planning a new book right now, but I will use this work to continue to talk at SAPSA and other SAP events about testing, architecture etc. It’s a big part of me.

7. I’m sure this will come in handy. Well, then my last question – When will you become an SAP Mentor? 

I have done the mentoring in the user groups and the IFG (International Focus Group) around integration, so I’m already a SAPSA Mentor… But If I get accepted as an SAP Mentor, it would be a great privilege, and I hope they send me an email soon.

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