S/4HANA End-2-End Testing – Combining Fiori UI and Integration API Testing

Int4 Team

In this article you will learn:

  • How Int4 IFTT can use external tools to automate manual steps required to test business scenarios
  • How to combine Int4 IFTT API Testing and SAP CBTA to test S/4HANA Scenarios involving Fiori apps

Reading time: 6 minutes


As companies are migrating their ERP landscapes to the latest SAP S/4HANA solution, solutions allowing for minimization of business involvement and timeline reduction gain traction. Such migration projects are often complex and challenging in many dimensions, testing being one that is often overlooked. Int4 IFTT can support such projects by providing a cost efficient way to validate that the new solution performs as expected and integrations scenarios (B2B-EDI, integration with internal non- SAP systems, etc.) are still working.

With S/4HANA implementation many companies are reviewing their User Experience strategy and implementing SAP Fiori as the main user interface for accessing the system. What does it mean for testing the end-to-end integration processes? Some of the manual actions are executed now in the web environment and no longer in SAP GUI. In this article, we will show how Int4 IFTT can leverage other testing tools like SAP Component Based Test Automation (CBTA) to automate manual steps in Fiori applications and provide test coverage for complex integrated business processes.

It?s a good time to refresh how Int4 IFTT integrates with SAP Solution Manager Test Suite by using Composite Tests, where Test Suite is the primary testing solution in your landscape used to manage, execute test cases and analyze test results. Int4 IFTT can be as well the leading system and integration Test Suite scripts in the Int4 IFTT test scenarios. We will use this approach going forward.

Here is the outline of the Business process to be automated:

  • Purchase Order created with S/4HANA application Manage Purchase Orders
  • Inbound Delivery XML message sent from external system to SAP Process Orchestration
  • XML message transformed by SAP Process Orchestration to IDOC and posted in S/4HANA[/list]



  • Int4 IFTT installed on Solution Manager 7.2
  • SAP Solution Manager Configuration for CBTA completed (https://bit.ly/3qcOSA2)
  • CBTA Client Installed locally (installation details: https://bit.ly/383cwc4)
  • Int4 IFTT landscape with S/4HANA system configured[/list]


1. Go to Solution Manage Launchpad
2. Open Test Repository Tile


3. Create new script selecting CBTA as Test Tool


4. Assign Executable selecting target application


5. Click Launch CBTA


Local CBTA Client should be opened which will start web browser with recording feature enabled.


Record your UI steps and finalize the script.



6. After transferring the recorded steps to Test Repository go to Test Script Steps and expose Purchase Order number as Export parameter


7. You can verify if the UI script was recorded and configured correctly by executing it directly from Test Repository

Test result should indicate “Success” and export parameter PURCHASE_ORDER should contain number of created Order.


8. Go to Int4 IFTT Test Cockpit
9. Create new test case for Purchase Order creation part

a. Interface Type = “Test Suite CBTA”

b. Document number = Name of the script created in step 3

c. Automation Object = Create a new one or use an existing object. Ensure there is a variable defined for Purchase Order number



10. Create new Test Case for Inbound Delivery part

a. Interface Type = “PI GUID E2E Inbound”

b. Document Number = Number of existing message from SAP PI/PO. This can be entered manually or searched using Message Selector

c. Automation Object = Create a new one or use an existing object for this interface. Ensure there is a variable defined for Purchase Order which will replace the value with the new Order number created in CBTA step



d. Parent Id = Test Case Id from step 9



11. Execute the scenario

Int4 IFTT will run CBTA script first and then use the created purchase order to trigger Delivery message in SAP PO. Finally IDOC structure and Inbound delivery data are validated with a reference set.





The number of business processes driven from external systems grows. Whether that is EDI, Online stores or integration of internal systems, facing the shift from manual operations to integrated business flow without updating your testing toolkit might be a limiting factor.

As presented, Int4 IFTT both allows you to test the integration processes directly, and also test the integrated scenario end-to-end by calling your existing user interface testing tools to support full process execution.

In this example we called the existing SAP Test Suite solution and Int4 IFTT can also call other user interface testing tools on the market. In case you do not wish to invest in additional testing solutions to test your business interfaces, Int4 IFTT can call SAP Test Suite (CBTA), which is available within installation of SAP Solution Manager.

Read also:

Automated SAP EDI testing for S/4HANA conversion projects