SAP API testing myth: I don’t need to test my SAP Application Interfaces – I’m a very good developer!

Int4 Team

In this article you will learn:

  • About the common myth around SAP API testing
  • About the risk connected to skipping the testing phase
  • What approach you should have towards the topic

Reading time: 4 minutes

The machinery

APIs are designed so that programs can communicate with each other as they allow for the transfer of information between them. They are the key elements of the vast majority of today’s enterprise-class systems. For example, they convey messages about a certain transaction to happen from the main system to another that is integrated with it. At the same time, being responsible for the whole sales machinery to work.

When companies introduce changes to the SAP application integration, everything needs to be tested and verified again. This is to be sure that the process still works adequately. Poorly performed integration may negatively affect the functioning of an organization. It can also lead to severe operating problems.

Do you believe in myths?

As you may already know, among all the testing procedures, SAP API testing is the one that can be fully automated. It means that instead of weeks or months spent on creating test cases for a project, one can actually set up the whole process in a matter of days. It’s a tremendous advantage for companies wanting to speed up their development and maximize the stream of projects. Not to mention the cost-effectiveness of such actions.

Yet, due to many false beliefs and misconceptions, there are still entrepreneurs, companies, and developers who don’t benefit from it. What’s more, it’s not just the fact that they don’t use automation but they don’t test SAP API at all. Consciously or not, they avoid testing, following some myths created around the topic. Today we will take a closer look at one of them and try to define its source.

The need for mindset change

It turns out that what causes the SAP API testing to be omitted is the same that causes people to stop growing. The strong belief in one’s greatness and infallibility. When you’re so sure about the expertise you have in a given field, you don’t waste time double-checking your work. There’s a certain level of ignorance and pride that leads people here and to be honest, nothing good has come out of it yet.

Unfortunately, it’s also a common behavior shared across some developers. Because they believe that their job is irreplaceable, they get to decide what part of the process is actually crucial and what steps can be omitted. Hence they come to the conclusion (the famous myth) “I don’t need to test my SAP API, I know what I’m doing”. Even though it sounds more like “trust me, I’m an engineer”, they are sure their decision is the correct one.

Where in fact, it leads to unavoidable costs

Not everyone knows that the sooner a defect is spotted the lower are the costs connected to the repair of it. When we detect an error at the release stage, the cost can be even 40 times higher than if it was spotted during the coding phase. The best-case scenario is when we predict possible future defects in the middle of task planning but it’s also not that easy.

So what happens when your development team doesn’t test their work? They omit the early stage of detecting bugs. It means that the financial risk connected with a later repair increases along with the possible delay of the actual release. The first decision is usually followed through the rest of the project, so the bugs are rather spotted too late.

When you think of the possible outcomes of such actions, there are more than enough arguments against them. Let’s quickly sum it up:

  • Higher cost of development caused by delayed bug detection
  • Delayed release caused by additional repair
  • Unsatisfied client (probably won’t recommend your services)
  • Possible problems with the contract[/list]

Not testing SAP API can have severe technical consequences not to mention how much such a result tells about the quality of your team.

The final quality is a reflection of your team

Who you choose for your project is an important factor that determines its success. Because it’s the approach that people have towards testing, that evokes the further chain of events. So when your developers are aware of the importance of testing their work, they admit they can’t fully support their code and yes, they can be wrong – that’s your people!

The right approach to SAP API testing

Lastly, there’s a set of practices we consider are most developmental for the project. Since it’s an important part, It’s better to divide it into some key thoughts to remember.

  • There’s no such thing as unnecessary testing
  • Bugs will always show up during the course of work. We should admit that and try to find and eliminate them as soon as possible
  • Don’t waste time on manual SAP API testing when you can automate the whole process and increase the client volume
  • Educate developers about the possible consequences of omitting testing procedures
  • Always construct your team of accountable specialists[/list]

The paradox is that when you’re absolutely sure there’s no chance for a mistake to happen – there is one happening. That’s why always test your work and don’t let the myth of testing being too extra limit the growth of the project.

Read also:

1. Test the components that are crucial to your business

2. Our new SAP Press book – Testing SAP APIs: Strategy and Execution